Pasta primvera

peeled carrots-2/3
summer squash-1
onion-1 big
sweet bell papers(yellow & red)-1 each
olive oil-4 tsp.
salt-to taste
fresh ground paper-to taste
Italian herbs-1 tsp.
cooked pasta-2 cups
cherry tomatoes-10
parmesan cheese-1/2 cup

1)cut all the veggies in stick size length
2)place them in a baking tray
3)toss them in olive oil
4)sprinkle some salt,freshly ground pepper,Italian herbs.
5)Bake them in the oven @450 for 20 minutes.
6)Cook pasta of your choice,drain the water,&take that in a big bowl.
7)Add baked veggies
8)Add cherry tomatoes
9)Add the grated parmesan cheese to create the creamy consistency.
10)Serve warm.
