Shahi Modak...(Ganpati special)

For stuffing:-
Khava/Mava-1 medium bowl
Dryfruit powder-1 big tsp.
Gulkand-2 tsp.
Ground sugar-1 tsp.
Nutmeg powder-1/4 tsp.
cardamom powder-1/4tsp.

For Ukad :-

Fine rice flour-2 bowls
ghee-1 tbsp.
salt-a pinch
saffron-to taste/color


Ukad:-Take 11/5 bowl of water in a pan,add ghee,salt & oil & saffron,bring it to boil,add rice flour,& mix it thoroughly,& cook for 2 minutes,cool slightly,& then knead it properly.

stuffing:-Heat mava in a frying pan for just about 2 minutes,don't fry till it starts loosing oil,take it out in a plate,add gulkand,sugar,dryfruit powder,nutmeg powder,cardamom powder& set aside.

Make small bowls of the rice dough & roll into flat discs,Place a small ball of stuffing in the center,gather the edges & press together to close,you can use the ready made molds as well.

Heat some water in the steamer,steam the modaks for about 15 minutes,& serve hot with pure ghee.
